Bavarian Blue 2 3

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Bavarian Blue 2 3: fresh snow, taken at 'Mittag', Immenstadt, Bavaria, Allgaeu, Germany
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fresh snow, taken at 'Mittag', Immenstadt, Bavaria, Allgaeu, Germany
Bavarian Blue 2 3: fresh snow, taken at 'Mittag', Immenstadt, Bavaria, Allgaeu, Germany

August 21, 2014 schmedee

Perfect! I lived there a couple years. Never got tired of the scenery! Would have liked to fold it up and bring it home.

July 25, 2010 krayker

wonderful colors

May 24, 2010 fishmonk

I like the composition of this. Also the myriad blue hues!

wolliballa profile gallery
Image properties
Dimensions: 1127px * 845px
Published: May - 23 - 2010
Date: --
Exposure: --
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ISO: --
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Bavarian Blue 2 3: fresh snow, taken at 'Mittag', Immenstadt, Bavaria, Allgaeu, Germany Bavarian Blue 2 3: fresh snow, taken at 'Mittag', Immenstadt, Bavaria, Allgaeu, Germany Bavarian Blue 2 3: fresh snow, taken at 'Mittag', Immenstadt, Bavaria, Allgaeu, Germany Bavarian Blue 2 3: fresh snow, taken at 'Mittag', Immenstadt, Bavaria, Allgaeu, Germany 300px // 600px // 100px