Flying high

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Flying high: Flying back to mountain called Big Daddy which had taken off from 15 minutes earlier
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Flying back to mountain called Big Daddy which had taken off from 15 minutes earlier
Flying high: Flying back to mountain called Big Daddy which had taken off from 15 minutes earlier

July 9, 2010 krayker

these are unique perspectives. not everyone can paraglide, and not many doing it take a cam along. great series! ... and thanks for sharing

July 9, 2010 micromoth

Wow! Fantastic shot.

purplepic profile gallery
Image properties
Dimensions: 4000px * 3000px
Published: July - 09 - 2010
Camera: Fuji
Date: 2010:06:13 15:01:59
Exposure: 10/1100
Focal length: 570/100
ISO: 100
Permalink mvJRIl8x
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Flying high: Flying back to mountain called Big Daddy which had taken off from 15 minutes earlier Flying high: Flying back to mountain called Big Daddy which had taken off from 15 minutes earlier Flying high: Flying back to mountain called Big Daddy which had taken off from 15 minutes earlier Flying high: Flying back to mountain called Big Daddy which had taken off from 15 minutes earlier 300px // 600px // 100px