Calm waters - HDR

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Calm waters - HDR: Calm waters before sunset. The picture is HDR using 7 images.

The image is taken in
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Calm waters before sunset. The picture is HDR using 7 images. The image is taken in "Isefjorden" a fjord in the northeren part of the Danish Isle Zealand.
Calm waters - HDR: Calm waters before sunset. The picture is HDR using 7 images.

The image is taken in

November 10, 2016 JamyZem

J'adore ce moment de la journée, juste quand le soleil nous envoie ses derniers rayons avant de se coucher. Merci

July 15, 2015 cgburr

So peaceful and beautiful!

July 12, 2015 Tiago_Santos1

ótima imagem!

July 12, 2015 Tiago_Santos1

ótima imagem!

July 12, 2015 Tiago_Santos1

ótima imagem!

July 12, 2015 Tiago_Santos1

ótima imagem!

April 23, 2015 yanglei


February 27, 2015 Titanic_1951


August 28, 2014 Purath


November 30, 2013 OpenBox

and absolutely perfect HDR processing without any artefacts! Great!

November 30, 2013 OpenBox

Exactly as I've seen somewhere on the beach... :)

October 27, 2013 Teslacoils

Amazing view

October 1, 2013 geddamravi

really nice shot,, great colours,,

July 31, 2013 EJAllen

I really like the effect of the sunset on the water and the perspective seems to draw you into the picture. Very Nice.

August 31, 2012 arinas74

Beautiful shot. Lovely colors, composition and excellent HDR work. Most HDR photos look too artificial, but this one looks natural. I think I wouldn't have spotted the HDR treatment if it didn't said it in the description. Great Work!!

July 4, 2012 safenoe

Well done for being featured on the homepage!

March 14, 2012 Mariska_Bongers

decoration wave

February 9, 2012 Newsham

Another marvellous shot!

December 13, 2011 scrappypixie

So peaceful

October 11, 2011 krayker

wonderful shot!

October 7, 2011 mresnik

Really beautiful!

August 8, 2011 crisderaud

I like it!!

July 27, 2011 jana_koll


July 25, 2011 saavem

Amazing for the front page! Congrats!!

July 21, 2011 mzacha

Amazing shot. And nice place. Where did you took it?

July 19, 2011 micromoth

Congrats on making the front page - well deserved!

July 19, 2011 happyture

Very nice, congratulations on making the front page :O)

July 19, 2011 xymonau

This would be a lovely photo even without the HDR. The composition is wonderful. Congratulations on making the front page!

August 28, 2010 Abyla

Fantastic ! I love this image.

August 19, 2010 micromoth

Another wonderful shot - I always admire your mastery of HDR.

johnnyberg profile gallery
Image properties
Dimensions: 3448px * 2299px
Published: August - 19 - 2010
Date: 2010:08:16 20:25:39
Exposure: 100/5000
Focal length: 1100/100
ISO: 100
Permalink mzAQcbax
coastlines license
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Model- or property releaseNo model- or property release available.
See the FAQ and Terms of use for more info.
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Calm waters - HDR: Calm waters before sunset. The picture is HDR using 7 images.

The image is taken in Calm waters - HDR: Calm waters before sunset. The picture is HDR using 7 images.

The image is taken in Calm waters - HDR: Calm waters before sunset. The picture is HDR using 7 images.

The image is taken in Calm waters - HDR: Calm waters before sunset. The picture is HDR using 7 images. The image is taken in "Isefjorden" a fjord in the northeren part of the Danish Isle Zealand. 300px // 600px // 100px