Forgotten Outpost

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Forgotten Outpost: A forgotten fort built for the war of 1812 being revitalized along the St. Lawrence seaway still proudly flies the British flag
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A forgotten fort built for the war of 1812 being revitalized along the St. Lawrence seaway still proudly flies the British flag
Forgotten Outpost: A forgotten fort built for the war of 1812 being revitalized along the St. Lawrence seaway still proudly flies the British flag
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Image properties
Dimensions: 2613px * 3900px
Published: August - 15 - 2012
Camera: Nikon D80
Date: 2011:08:05 11:25:41
Exposure: 1/40s
Focal length: 18mm
ISO: 200
Permalink nGbzllwx
general_architecture objects_general north_america license
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Forgotten Outpost: A forgotten fort built for the war of 1812 being revitalized along the St. Lawrence seaway still proudly flies the British flag Forgotten Outpost: A forgotten fort built for the war of 1812 being revitalized along the St. Lawrence seaway still proudly flies the British flag Forgotten Outpost: A forgotten fort built for the war of 1812 being revitalized along the St. Lawrence seaway still proudly flies the British flag Forgotten Outpost: A forgotten fort built for the war of 1812 being revitalized along the St. Lawrence seaway still proudly flies the British flag 300px // 600px // 100px