Mountains and glacier foot

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Mountains and glacier foot: The foot of a glacier between mountains in the Rockies, Canada. Banks of silt from the glacier's former greater extent are in the fore and mid ground.
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The foot of a glacier between mountains in the Rockies, Canada. Banks of silt from the glacier's former greater extent are in the fore and mid ground.
Mountains and glacier foot: The foot of a glacier between mountains in the Rockies, Canada. Banks of silt from the glacier's former greater extent are in the fore and mid ground.
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Image properties
Dimensions: 5184px * 3169px
Published: October - 22 - 2012
Camera: Canon EOS 600D
Date: 2012:09:09 00:44:52
Exposure: 1/640s
Focal length: 40mm
ISO: 125
Permalink nMB5Weax
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Mountains and glacier foot: The foot of a glacier between mountains in the Rockies, Canada. Banks of silt from the glacier's former greater extent are in the fore and mid ground. Mountains and glacier foot: The foot of a glacier between mountains in the Rockies, Canada. Banks of silt from the glacier's former greater extent are in the fore and mid ground. Mountains and glacier foot: The foot of a glacier between mountains in the Rockies, Canada. Banks of silt from the glacier's former greater extent are in the fore and mid ground. Mountains and glacier foot: The foot of a glacier between mountains in the Rockies, Canada. Banks of silt from the glacier's former greater extent are in the fore and mid ground. 300px // 600px // 100px