Green Trees looking up

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Green Trees looking up: Looking up in green Tree´s Canopys, Sun shining through the Leaves.  Natural Forest.
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Looking up in green Tree´s Canopys, Sun shining through the Leaves. Natural Forest.
Green Trees looking up: Looking up in green Tree´s Canopys, Sun shining through the Leaves.  Natural Forest.

October 20, 2017 kathab

Thank you for this great pic! We will use it for our broshure and website for an continuing Professional Education seminar!

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Image properties
Dimensions: 1920px * 1280px
Published: January - 27 - 2013
Camera: Sony
Date: 2011:09:29 23:49:50
Exposure: 1/0.25s
Focal length: 16mm
ISO: 100
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Green Trees looking up: Looking up in green Tree´s Canopys, Sun shining through the Leaves.  Natural Forest. Green Trees looking up: Looking up in green Tree´s Canopys, Sun shining through the Leaves.  Natural Forest. Green Trees looking up: Looking up in green Tree´s Canopys, Sun shining through the Leaves.  Natural Forest. Green Trees looking up: Looking up in green Tree´s Canopys, Sun shining through the Leaves. Natural Forest. 300px // 600px // 100px