Swirly Branch

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Swirly Branch: A swirly branch silhouetted against a moon and water, in classic blue and porcelain colours. This has been made from a public domain image but my resulting image is copyrighted to me.
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A swirly branch silhouetted against a moon and water, in classic blue and porcelain colours. This has been made from a public domain image but my resulting image is copyrighted to me.
Swirly Branch: A swirly branch silhouetted against a moon and water, in classic blue and porcelain colours. This has been made from a public domain image but my resulting image is copyrighted to me.

February 12, 2013 crisderaud


February 12, 2013 weirdvis

I've been tinkering with a similar theme. I'm not going to bother now because...WOW!

February 11, 2013 tinneketin

Wow, this is stunning !

xymonau profile gallery
Image properties
Dimensions: 2000px * 1680px
Published: February - 10 - 2013
Date: --
Exposure: --
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ISO: --
Permalink nX4Xg3Ix
trees_and_bushes water backgrounds
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Swirly Branch: A swirly branch silhouetted against a moon and water, in classic blue and porcelain colours. This has been made from a public domain image but my resulting image is copyrighted to me. Swirly Branch: A swirly branch silhouetted against a moon and water, in classic blue and porcelain colours. This has been made from a public domain image but my resulting image is copyrighted to me. Swirly Branch: A swirly branch silhouetted against a moon and water, in classic blue and porcelain colours. This has been made from a public domain image but my resulting image is copyrighted to me. Swirly Branch: A swirly branch silhouetted against a moon and water, in classic blue and porcelain colours. This has been made from a public domain image but my resulting image is copyrighted to me. 300px //b.rgbimg.com/users/x/xy/xymonau/600/nX4Xg3I.jpg 600px //b.rgbimg.com/users/x/xy/xymonau/600/nX4Xg3I.jpg 100px