Nativity in the city

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Nativity in the city: Nativity - mother and child - with star light glowing from street lights
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Nativity - mother and child - with star light glowing from street lights
Nativity in the city: Nativity - mother and child - with star light glowing from street lights

December 2, 2013 gordont

I appreciated the modern context and the figure of Mary, being a little surreal, also helped stress the contemporary link.

July 10, 2013 VisualMir

Great way of using the lights - excellent stuff.

September 21, 2012 Bernie_Martin

Beautiful photo, what is this statue please.

Newsham profile gallery
Image properties
Dimensions: 3508px * 2480px
Published: September - 15 - 2011
Date: --
Exposure: --
Focal length:
ISO: --
Permalink nax3jJEx
religious winter christmas license
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Nativity in the city: Nativity - mother and child - with star light glowing from street lights Nativity in the city: Nativity - mother and child - with star light glowing from street lights Nativity in the city: Nativity - mother and child - with star light glowing from street lights Nativity in the city: Nativity - mother and child - with star light glowing from street lights 300px // 600px // 100px