Jungle cat

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Jungle cat: A small wooden carving of a jungle cat (most likely a small species, like an ocelot or margay).
Made by people of Guarani ethnicity living in Misiones province, Argentina.
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A small wooden carving of a jungle cat (most likely a small species, like an ocelot or margay). Made by people of Guarani ethnicity living in Misiones province, Argentina.
Jungle cat: A small wooden carving of a jungle cat (most likely a small species, like an ocelot or margay).
Made by people of Guarani ethnicity living in Misiones province, Argentina.

December 12, 2011 Zela

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Dimensions: 1648px * 852px
Published: December - 12 - 2011
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Permalink niPMzJwx
animals decoration south_america
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Jungle cat: A small wooden carving of a jungle cat (most likely a small species, like an ocelot or margay).
Made by people of Guarani ethnicity living in Misiones province, Argentina. Jungle cat: A small wooden carving of a jungle cat (most likely a small species, like an ocelot or margay).
Made by people of Guarani ethnicity living in Misiones province, Argentina. Jungle cat: A small wooden carving of a jungle cat (most likely a small species, like an ocelot or margay).
Made by people of Guarani ethnicity living in Misiones province, Argentina. Jungle cat: A small wooden carving of a jungle cat (most likely a small species, like an ocelot or margay). Made by people of Guarani ethnicity living in Misiones province, Argentina. 300px //a.rgbimg.com/users/c/cy/cyanocorax/600/niPMzJw.jpg 600px //a.rgbimg.com/users/c/cy/cyanocorax/600/niPMzJw.jpg 100px