Hearts in a tree

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Hearts in a tree: Lots of hearts in a tree blowing in the wind
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Lots of hearts in a tree blowing in the wind
Hearts in a tree: Lots of hearts in a tree blowing in the wind

October 10, 2013 broomhilda

Very nice! I'd like to use it for a Prezi presentation for my workplace. It's not done yet, so I can't send the link.

August 5, 2013 lizochka

it's very .... full of love :)

February 1, 2013 denise.a.bloomfield

I love this and will be using on my family-friendly blog website. :) Thank you!

gesinek profile gallery
Image properties
Dimensions: 4752px * 3168px
Published: January - 06 - 2012
Camera: Canon EOS 50D
Date: 2012:01:06 13:08:26
Exposure: 1/200s
Focal length: 33mm
ISO: 100
Permalink nleIVkwx
valentines love marriage
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Hearts in a tree: Lots of hearts in a tree blowing in the wind Hearts in a tree: Lots of hearts in a tree blowing in the wind Hearts in a tree: Lots of hearts in a tree blowing in the wind Hearts in a tree: Lots of hearts in a tree blowing in the wind 300px //a.rgbimg.com/users/g/ge/gesinek/600/nleIVkw.jpg 600px //a.rgbimg.com/users/g/ge/gesinek/600/nleIVkw.jpg 100px
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