Norfolk windmill

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Norfolk windmill: Windmill in the Norfolk Broads, along the River Thurne. Windmills are part of the landscape of Norfolk and the windmill at Thurne is a classic example of the heritage of the area.
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Windmill in the Norfolk Broads, along the River Thurne. Windmills are part of the landscape of Norfolk and the windmill at Thurne is a classic example of the heritage of the area.
Norfolk windmill: Windmill in the Norfolk Broads, along the River Thurne. Windmills are part of the landscape of Norfolk and the windmill at Thurne is a classic example of the heritage of the area.

January 24, 2012 sailinjohn

Well done, nice perspective!

January 24, 2012 ally


January 24, 2012 lusi

very nice!

reglen profile gallery
Image properties
Dimensions: 2592px * 3888px
Published: January - 24 - 2012
Camera: Canon EOS 400D DIGITAL
Date: 2011:08:14 10:39:25
Exposure: 1/250s
Focal length: 18mm
ISO: 100
Permalink nmVcXmUx
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Norfolk windmill: Windmill in the Norfolk Broads, along the River Thurne. Windmills are part of the landscape of Norfolk and the windmill at Thurne is a classic example of the heritage of the area. Norfolk windmill: Windmill in the Norfolk Broads, along the River Thurne. Windmills are part of the landscape of Norfolk and the windmill at Thurne is a classic example of the heritage of the area. Norfolk windmill: Windmill in the Norfolk Broads, along the River Thurne. Windmills are part of the landscape of Norfolk and the windmill at Thurne is a classic example of the heritage of the area. Norfolk windmill: Windmill in the Norfolk Broads, along the River Thurne. Windmills are part of the landscape of Norfolk and the windmill at Thurne is a classic example of the heritage of the area. 300px // 600px // 100px
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