Circle Chaos

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Circle Chaos: An abstract grungy pattern of circles and light in banner proportions. Lots of colour and makes a great texture.
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An abstract grungy pattern of circles and light in banner proportions. Lots of colour and makes a great texture.
Circle Chaos: An abstract grungy pattern of circles and light in banner proportions. Lots of colour and makes a great texture.

March 21, 2013 Moggie

I'm just really learning how to use paintshop pro and when I saw this I think my brain melted! (In a good!) Thank you for the images, I think I'll mess around with them in PSP.

xymonau profile gallery
Image properties
Dimensions: 2320px * 1450px
Published: March - 20 - 2013
Date: --
Exposure: --
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ISO: --
Permalink o0CVsLyx
general_abstract textures playing_with_light license
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Circle Chaos: An abstract grungy pattern of circles and light in banner proportions. Lots of colour and makes a great texture. Circle Chaos: An abstract grungy pattern of circles and light in banner proportions. Lots of colour and makes a great texture. Circle Chaos: An abstract grungy pattern of circles and light in banner proportions. Lots of colour and makes a great texture. Circle Chaos: An abstract grungy pattern of circles and light in banner proportions. Lots of colour and makes a great texture. 300px // 600px // 100px