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Fire: In the North and East of the Netherlands people light on big fires at Easter. This is the morning after the fire. It still smokes and small boy;s love to play around it
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In the North and East of the Netherlands people light on big fires at Easter. This is the morning after the fire. It still smokes and small boy;s love to play around it
Fire: In the North and East of the Netherlands people light on big fires at Easter. This is the morning after the fire. It still smokes and small boy;s love to play around it
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Image properties
Dimensions: 4288px * 2848px
Published: April - 01 - 2013
Camera: Nikon D300S
Date: 2013:04:01 13:15:12
Exposure: 1/8000s
Focal length: 28mm
ISO: 360
Permalink o1LHy9cx
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Fire: In the North and East of the Netherlands people light on big fires at Easter. This is the morning after the fire. It still smokes and small boy;s love to play around it Fire: In the North and East of the Netherlands people light on big fires at Easter. This is the morning after the fire. It still smokes and small boy;s love to play around it Fire: In the North and East of the Netherlands people light on big fires at Easter. This is the morning after the fire. It still smokes and small boy;s love to play around it Fire: In the North and East of the Netherlands people light on big fires at Easter. This is the morning after the fire. It still smokes and small boy;s love to play around it 300px // 600px // 100px