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Mushroom!: A lot of mushroom! Suillus luteus,commonly referred to as slippery Jack or sticky bun in English-speaking countries, its names refer to the brown cap, which is characteristically viscid in wet conditions.
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A lot of mushroom! Suillus luteus,commonly referred to as slippery Jack or sticky bun in English-speaking countries, its names refer to the brown cap, which is characteristically viscid in wet conditions.
Mushroom!: A lot of mushroom! Suillus luteus,commonly referred to as slippery Jack or sticky bun in English-speaking countries, its names refer to the brown cap, which is characteristically viscid in wet conditions.
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Image properties
Dimensions: 1600px * 1400px
Published: May - 30 - 2014
Camera: Canon PowerShot A1100 IS
Date: 2010:09:18 11:07:51
Exposure: 1/125s
Focal length: 6.2mm
ISO: 80
Permalink oFMgBzsx
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Mushroom!: A lot of mushroom! Suillus luteus,commonly referred to as slippery Jack or sticky bun in English-speaking countries, its names refer to the brown cap, which is characteristically viscid in wet conditions. Mushroom!: A lot of mushroom! Suillus luteus,commonly referred to as slippery Jack or sticky bun in English-speaking countries, its names refer to the brown cap, which is characteristically viscid in wet conditions. Mushroom!: A lot of mushroom! Suillus luteus,commonly referred to as slippery Jack or sticky bun in English-speaking countries, its names refer to the brown cap, which is characteristically viscid in wet conditions. Mushroom!: A lot of mushroom! Suillus luteus,commonly referred to as slippery Jack or sticky bun in English-speaking countries, its names refer to the brown cap, which is characteristically viscid in wet conditions. 300px // 600px // 100px
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