Boat at Sunset

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Boat at Sunset: Fishing boat at sunset on the beach.
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Fishing boat at sunset on the beach.
Boat at Sunset: Fishing boat at sunset on the beach.

September 20, 2014 DebbieWaum

Thanks Xymonau. This was taken on one of our daily walks at Benaulim Beach Goa. We are here on our long extended holiday.

September 20, 2014 xymonau

Love it!

DebbieWaum profile gallery
Image properties
Dimensions: 4128px * 2322px
Published: September - 19 - 2014
Camera: Samsung
Date: 2014:01:24 17:54:52
Exposure: 1/526s
Focal length: 4.2mm
ISO: 50
Permalink oQl6H96x
sunsets skies_and_clouds license
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Boat at Sunset: Fishing boat at sunset on the beach. Boat at Sunset: Fishing boat at sunset on the beach. Boat at Sunset: Fishing boat at sunset on the beach. Boat at Sunset: Fishing boat at sunset on the beach. 300px // 600px // 100px