Cape Farewells Cabbage Trees

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Cape Farewells Cabbage Trees: Cabbage Trees (Cordyline australis / To Kouka / Torquay Palm) New Zealand, South Island, Cape Farewell, on the way to impressive Wharariki beach. Som of the largest and oldest  trees of that type are supposed to grow there. Some estimated to be 400-500 years old.
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Cabbage Trees (Cordyline australis / To Kouka / Torquay Palm) New Zealand, South Island, Cape Farewell, on the way to impressive Wharariki beach. Som of the largest and oldest trees of that type are supposed to grow there. Some estimated to be 400-500 years old.
Cape Farewells Cabbage Trees: Cabbage Trees (Cordyline australis / To Kouka / Torquay Palm) New Zealand, South Island, Cape Farewell, on the way to impressive Wharariki beach. Som of the largest and oldest  trees of that type are supposed to grow there. Some estimated to be 400-500 years old.

November 5, 2014 xymonau

Beautiful and other-worldy.

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Published: November - 04 - 2014
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Cape Farewells Cabbage Trees: Cabbage Trees (Cordyline australis / To Kouka / Torquay Palm) New Zealand, South Island, Cape Farewell, on the way to impressive Wharariki beach. Som of the largest and oldest  trees of that type are supposed to grow there. Some estimated to be 400-500 years old.
Cape Farewells Cabbage Trees: Cabbage Trees (Cordyline australis / To Kouka / Torquay Palm) New Zealand, South Island, Cape Farewell, on the way to impressive Wharariki beach. Som of the largest and oldest  trees of that type are supposed to grow there. Some estimated to be 400-500 years old.
Cape Farewells Cabbage Trees: Cabbage Trees (Cordyline australis / To Kouka / Torquay Palm) New Zealand, South Island, Cape Farewell, on the way to impressive Wharariki beach. Som of the largest and oldest  trees of that type are supposed to grow there. Some estimated to be 400-500 years old.
Cape Farewells Cabbage Trees: Cabbage Trees (Cordyline australis / To Kouka / Torquay Palm) New Zealand, South Island, Cape Farewell, on the way to impressive Wharariki beach. Som of the largest and oldest trees of that type are supposed to grow there. Some estimated to be 400-500 years old. 300px // 600px // 100px