Santa Maria Di Trastevere

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Santa Maria Di Trastevere: Founded in 4th century, restored in 8th and rebuilt as now in 12th century by Pope Innocent II. It probably was the first church in Rome where Mass was celebrated openly. The pictured mosaics are dating back to the 12th century. Thorough Info can be found
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Founded in 4th century, restored in 8th and rebuilt as now in 12th century by Pope Innocent II. It probably was the first church in Rome where Mass was celebrated openly. The pictured mosaics are dating back to the 12th century. Thorough Info can be found
Santa Maria Di Trastevere: Founded in 4th century, restored in 8th and rebuilt as now in 12th century by Pope Innocent II. It probably was the first church in Rome where Mass was celebrated openly. The pictured mosaics are dating back to the 12th century. Thorough Info can be found
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Image properties
Dimensions: 1236px * 980px
Published: November - 03 - 2014
Camera: Canon PowerShot A620
Date: 2008:04:11 19:51:42
Exposure: 1/8s
Focal length: 29.2mm
ISO: --
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Santa Maria Di Trastevere: Founded in 4th century, restored in 8th and rebuilt as now in 12th century by Pope Innocent II. It probably was the first church in Rome where Mass was celebrated openly. The pictured mosaics are dating back to the 12th century. Thorough Info can be found Santa Maria Di Trastevere: Founded in 4th century, restored in 8th and rebuilt as now in 12th century by Pope Innocent II. It probably was the first church in Rome where Mass was celebrated openly. The pictured mosaics are dating back to the 12th century. Thorough Info can be found Santa Maria Di Trastevere: Founded in 4th century, restored in 8th and rebuilt as now in 12th century by Pope Innocent II. It probably was the first church in Rome where Mass was celebrated openly. The pictured mosaics are dating back to the 12th century. Thorough Info can be found Santa Maria Di Trastevere: Founded in 4th century, restored in 8th and rebuilt as now in 12th century by Pope Innocent II. It probably was the first church in Rome where Mass was celebrated openly. The pictured mosaics are dating back to the 12th century. Thorough Info can be found 300px // 600px // 100px