kayaking adventure

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kayaking adventure: river Zrmanja, Croatia
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river Zrmanja, Croatia
kayaking adventure: river Zrmanja, Croatia

April 11, 2016 vmatic

love the colours and high contrast. may use this to illustrate the career of canoe instructor. thank you lusi !!

lusi profile gallery
Image properties
Dimensions: 4000px * 3000px
Published: July - 28 - 2013
Camera: Canon PowerShot G15
Date: 2013:07:25 15:41:49
Exposure: 1/2000s
Focal length: 9.006mm
ISO: 160
Permalink ocPRdWQx
rivers people_general outdoor_sports
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kayaking adventure: river Zrmanja, Croatia kayaking adventure: river Zrmanja, Croatia kayaking adventure: river Zrmanja, Croatia kayaking adventure: river Zrmanja, Croatia 300px //b.rgbimg.com/users/l/lu/lusi/600/ocPRdWQ.jpg 600px //b.rgbimg.com/users/l/lu/lusi/600/ocPRdWQ.jpg 100px
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