Decorated abbey window

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Decorated abbey window: A painted glass ornate window in Malmesbury abbey, Wiltshire, England. Photography of the inside and outside of this building is freely permitted.
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A painted glass ornate window in Malmesbury abbey, Wiltshire, England. Photography of the inside and outside of this building is freely permitted.
Decorated abbey window: A painted glass ornate window in Malmesbury abbey, Wiltshire, England. Photography of the inside and outside of this building is freely permitted.

July 6, 2016 NardBettyGeorge

Thank you for posting this lovely photo of Faith-Courage-Devotion.

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Image properties
Dimensions: 2820px * 3905px
Published: August - 11 - 2013
Camera: Canon EOS 600D
Date: 2013:07:11 10:52:19
Exposure: 1/60s
Focal length: 39mm
ISO: 125
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Decorated abbey window: A painted glass ornate window in Malmesbury abbey, Wiltshire, England. Photography of the inside and outside of this building is freely permitted. Decorated abbey window: A painted glass ornate window in Malmesbury abbey, Wiltshire, England. Photography of the inside and outside of this building is freely permitted. Decorated abbey window: A painted glass ornate window in Malmesbury abbey, Wiltshire, England. Photography of the inside and outside of this building is freely permitted. Decorated abbey window: A painted glass ornate window in Malmesbury abbey, Wiltshire, England. Photography of the inside and outside of this building is freely permitted. 300px // 600px // 100px