Indian wedding 1

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Indian wedding 1: An indian wedding at Pune, India. Somehow the chairs and the colours and the people seemed more interesting than the bride and the groom!
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An indian wedding at Pune, India. Somehow the chairs and the colours and the people seemed more interesting than the bride and the groom!
Indian wedding 1: An indian wedding at Pune, India. Somehow the chairs and the colours and the people seemed more interesting than the bride and the groom!
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Image properties
Dimensions: 1024px * 768px
Published: September - 01 - 2013
Camera: Nikon
Date: 2004:05:12 10:25:31
Exposure: 1/15s
Focal length: 8mm
ISO: 100
Permalink ogaxm5Ex
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Indian wedding 1: An indian wedding at Pune, India. Somehow the chairs and the colours and the people seemed more interesting than the bride and the groom! Indian wedding 1: An indian wedding at Pune, India. Somehow the chairs and the colours and the people seemed more interesting than the bride and the groom! Indian wedding 1: An indian wedding at Pune, India. Somehow the chairs and the colours and the people seemed more interesting than the bride and the groom! Indian wedding 1: An indian wedding at Pune, India. Somehow the chairs and the colours and the people seemed more interesting than the bride and the groom! 300px // 600px // 100px
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