Magical Collage

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Magical Collage: A bird rises in a shaft of light in a magical collage scene.
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A bird rises in a shaft of light in a magical collage scene.
Magical Collage: A bird rises in a shaft of light in a magical collage scene.

May 10, 2018 xymonau

nene39 - I am happy for you to use it that way. I can't remember hearing from you re any other image, though. But if it is for the same use, that's fine. I'd love a link when it's done, but that is not a condition of use. Thanks for letting me know.

May 9, 2018 nene39

I love your work. I would like to use this photo, and another that I contacted you about. If you are willing, I would like to post your photos (2) on my blog, twitter, and instagram pages linked to a Christian blog. Thank you.

March 7, 2018 Handmaiden_D

Wow! Great job of combining the pictures to produce this with the shaft of light. I've often prayed, "Holy Spirit, take (person's name) prayer request to our Heavenly Father" etc., and this is already stirring my heart with some words for a poem to accompany it. Thanks! Handmaiden_D

xymonau profile gallery
Image properties
Dimensions: 4000px * 3000px
Published: September - 25 - 2013
Date: --
Exposure: --
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ISO: --
Permalink oiueVjOx
water birds general_abstract license
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Magical Collage: A bird rises in a shaft of light in a magical collage scene. Magical Collage: A bird rises in a shaft of light in a magical collage scene. Magical Collage: A bird rises in a shaft of light in a magical collage scene. Magical Collage: A bird rises in a shaft of light in a magical collage scene. 300px // 600px // 100px