Palmnut Vulture in tree and ta

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Palmnut Vulture in tree and ta: A Palmnut Vulture sitting in tree and taking off. They are only found in small area on the Kzn coast of Southarn Africa, and the Okavango Delte in Botswana.
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A Palmnut Vulture sitting in tree and taking off. They are only found in small area on the Kzn coast of Southarn Africa, and the Okavango Delte in Botswana.
Palmnut Vulture in tree and ta: A Palmnut Vulture sitting in tree and taking off. They are only found in small area on the Kzn coast of Southarn Africa, and the Okavango Delte in Botswana.
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Dimensions: 893px * 1257px
Published: October - 22 - 2013
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Palmnut Vulture in tree and ta: A Palmnut Vulture sitting in tree and taking off. They are only found in small area on the Kzn coast of Southarn Africa, and the Okavango Delte in Botswana. Palmnut Vulture in tree and ta: A Palmnut Vulture sitting in tree and taking off. They are only found in small area on the Kzn coast of Southarn Africa, and the Okavango Delte in Botswana. Palmnut Vulture in tree and ta: A Palmnut Vulture sitting in tree and taking off. They are only found in small area on the Kzn coast of Southarn Africa, and the Okavango Delte in Botswana. Palmnut Vulture in tree and ta: A Palmnut Vulture sitting in tree and taking off. They are only found in small area on the Kzn coast of Southarn Africa, and the Okavango Delte in Botswana. 300px // 600px // 100px