Zebra - South African 2

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Zebra - South African  2: South African Zebra, different from the ones found in the Serengeti, with lighter  black strips, and white back and stomach
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South African Zebra, different from the ones found in the Serengeti, with lighter black strips, and white back and stomach
Zebra - South African  2: South African Zebra, different from the ones found in the Serengeti, with lighter  black strips, and white back and stomach
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Image properties
Dimensions: 3560px * 2844px
Published: October - 22 - 2013
Date: 2009:05:03 09:55:18
Exposure: 1/320s
Focal length: 235mm
ISO: 200
Permalink okY6ufAx
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Zebra - South African  2: South African Zebra, different from the ones found in the Serengeti, with lighter  black strips, and white back and stomach Zebra - South African  2: South African Zebra, different from the ones found in the Serengeti, with lighter  black strips, and white back and stomach Zebra - South African  2: South African Zebra, different from the ones found in the Serengeti, with lighter  black strips, and white back and stomach Zebra - South African 2: South African Zebra, different from the ones found in the Serengeti, with lighter black strips, and white back and stomach 300px //b.rgbimg.com/users/s/se/seepsteen/600/okY6ufA.jpg 600px //b.rgbimg.com/users/s/se/seepsteen/600/okY6ufA.jpg 100px