Psychedelic Laurel

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Psychedelic Laurel: This piece really gives me away as an ancient history teacher!  Of course it is colorful, but the color became secondary to form as I became vested in the back story I created for this piece in my head.
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This piece really gives me away as an ancient history teacher! Of course it is colorful, but the color became secondary to form as I became vested in the back story I created for this piece in my head.
Psychedelic Laurel: This piece really gives me away as an ancient history teacher!  Of course it is colorful, but the color became secondary to form as I became vested in the back story I created for this piece in my head.
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Published: October - 16 - 2013
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textures playing_with_light classic license
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Psychedelic Laurel: This piece really gives me away as an ancient history teacher!  Of course it is colorful, but the color became secondary to form as I became vested in the back story I created for this piece in my head. Psychedelic Laurel: This piece really gives me away as an ancient history teacher!  Of course it is colorful, but the color became secondary to form as I became vested in the back story I created for this piece in my head. Psychedelic Laurel: This piece really gives me away as an ancient history teacher!  Of course it is colorful, but the color became secondary to form as I became vested in the back story I created for this piece in my head. Psychedelic Laurel: This piece really gives me away as an ancient history teacher! Of course it is colorful, but the color became secondary to form as I became vested in the back story I created for this piece in my head. 300px // 600px // 100px