Haze of Serenity

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Haze of Serenity: It's just a tiny piece of Adriatic sea early in the morning.The file is ready to be your Windows desktop wallpaper
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It's just a tiny piece of Adriatic sea early in the morning.The file is ready to be your Windows desktop wallpaper
Haze of Serenity: It's just a tiny piece of Adriatic sea early in the morning.The file is ready to be your Windows desktop wallpaper

June 19, 2017 wernerb

Great image! I especially like the soft fade of colour into and through the sky- Thank's for sharing!

January 3, 2015 xymonau

This is so beautiful!

May 26, 2014 melisa.dzmastagic

Thank you - has been an inspiration for my website!!

OpenBox profile gallery
Image properties
Dimensions: 1280px * 1024px
Published: November - 14 - 2013
Date: --
Exposure: --
Focal length:
ISO: --
Permalink oncUjzwx
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Haze of Serenity: It's just a tiny piece of Adriatic sea early in the morning.The file is ready to be your Windows desktop wallpaper Haze of Serenity: It's just a tiny piece of Adriatic sea early in the morning.The file is ready to be your Windows desktop wallpaper Haze of Serenity: It's just a tiny piece of Adriatic sea early in the morning.The file is ready to be your Windows desktop wallpaper Haze of Serenity: It's just a tiny piece of Adriatic sea early in the morning.The file is ready to be your Windows desktop wallpaper 300px //b.rgbimg.com/users/o/op/openbox/600/oncUjzw.jpg 600px //b.rgbimg.com/users/o/op/openbox/600/oncUjzw.jpg 100px