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HALONG Bay: Most of the Junks has similar design...but I just find this stands out of most of it....But too bad the anchor is not half way above the surface of the water...
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Most of the Junks has similar design...but I just find this stands out of most of it....But too bad the anchor is not half way above the surface of the water...
HALONG Bay: Most of the Junks has similar design...but I just find this stands out of most of it....But too bad the anchor is not half way above the surface of the water...
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Image properties
Dimensions: 1196px * 1594px
Published: December - 09 - 2013
Camera: Canon PowerShot A710 IS
Date: 2007:04:29 09:54:02
Exposure: 1/200s
Focal length: 34.8mm
ISO: --
Permalink opugaCkx
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HALONG Bay: Most of the Junks has similar design...but I just find this stands out of most of it....But too bad the anchor is not half way above the surface of the water... HALONG Bay: Most of the Junks has similar design...but I just find this stands out of most of it....But too bad the anchor is not half way above the surface of the water... HALONG Bay: Most of the Junks has similar design...but I just find this stands out of most of it....But too bad the anchor is not half way above the surface of the water... HALONG Bay: Most of the Junks has similar design...but I just find this stands out of most of it....But too bad the anchor is not half way above the surface of the water... 300px //a.rgbimg.com/users/m/mi/mioawee/600/opugaCk.jpg 600px //a.rgbimg.com/users/m/mi/mioawee/600/opugaCk.jpg 100px