Australian Wood Duck

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Australian Wood Duck: The Australian Wood Duck with the male being grey with a dark brown head and mottled breast. The female has white stripes above and below the eye and mottled underparts. Photo captured in the afternoon at Nunderi NSW Australia
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The Australian Wood Duck with the male being grey with a dark brown head and mottled breast. The female has white stripes above and below the eye and mottled underparts. Photo captured in the afternoon at Nunderi NSW Australia
Australian Wood Duck: The Australian Wood Duck with the male being grey with a dark brown head and mottled breast. The female has white stripes above and below the eye and mottled underparts. Photo captured in the afternoon at Nunderi NSW Australia
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Dimensions: 3508px * 2338px
Published: January - 10 - 2015
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birds animals australia license
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Australian Wood Duck: The Australian Wood Duck with the male being grey with a dark brown head and mottled breast. The female has white stripes above and below the eye and mottled underparts. Photo captured in the afternoon at Nunderi NSW Australia Australian Wood Duck: The Australian Wood Duck with the male being grey with a dark brown head and mottled breast. The female has white stripes above and below the eye and mottled underparts. Photo captured in the afternoon at Nunderi NSW Australia Australian Wood Duck: The Australian Wood Duck with the male being grey with a dark brown head and mottled breast. The female has white stripes above and below the eye and mottled underparts. Photo captured in the afternoon at Nunderi NSW Australia Australian Wood Duck: The Australian Wood Duck with the male being grey with a dark brown head and mottled breast. The female has white stripes above and below the eye and mottled underparts. Photo captured in the afternoon at Nunderi NSW Australia 300px // 600px // 100px