The Great Egret

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The Great Egret: The Great Egret's overall plumage is white, and, for most of the year, when not breeding, the bill and facial skin are yellow. Photo taken as the bird caught and ate a small lizard - Stotts Island NSW Australia
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The Great Egret's overall plumage is white, and, for most of the year, when not breeding, the bill and facial skin are yellow. Photo taken as the bird caught and ate a small lizard - Stotts Island NSW Australia
The Great Egret: The Great Egret's overall plumage is white, and, for most of the year, when not breeding, the bill and facial skin are yellow. Photo taken as the bird caught and ate a small lizard - Stotts Island NSW Australia
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Dimensions: 3130px * 2087px
Published: January - 10 - 2015
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australia birds animals license
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The Great Egret: The Great Egret's overall plumage is white, and, for most of the year, when not breeding, the bill and facial skin are yellow. Photo taken as the bird caught and ate a small lizard - Stotts Island NSW Australia The Great Egret: The Great Egret's overall plumage is white, and, for most of the year, when not breeding, the bill and facial skin are yellow. Photo taken as the bird caught and ate a small lizard - Stotts Island NSW Australia The Great Egret: The Great Egret's overall plumage is white, and, for most of the year, when not breeding, the bill and facial skin are yellow. Photo taken as the bird caught and ate a small lizard - Stotts Island NSW Australia The Great Egret: The Great Egret's overall plumage is white, and, for most of the year, when not breeding, the bill and facial skin are yellow. Photo taken as the bird caught and ate a small lizard - Stotts Island NSW Australia 300px // 600px // 100px