Palmnut Close-up

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Palmnut Close-up: A scarce Vulture species only found in Zululand, Southern African and parts of the Okavango in Botswana, nests in, and living of
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A scarce Vulture species only found in Zululand, Southern African and parts of the Okavango in Botswana, nests in, and living of "nuts" from Palm Trees.
Palmnut Close-up: A scarce Vulture species only found in Zululand, Southern African and parts of the Okavango in Botswana, nests in, and living of

March 12, 2015 xymonau

Wonderful photo!

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Image properties
Dimensions: 898px * 1126px
Published: March - 12 - 2015
Camera: Canon EOS 7D
Date: 2014:09:21 14:16:14
Exposure: 1/1500s
Focal length: 400mm
ISO: 400
Permalink p6IUer6x
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Palmnut Close-up: A scarce Vulture species only found in Zululand, Southern African and parts of the Okavango in Botswana, nests in, and living of Palmnut Close-up: A scarce Vulture species only found in Zululand, Southern African and parts of the Okavango in Botswana, nests in, and living of Palmnut Close-up: A scarce Vulture species only found in Zululand, Southern African and parts of the Okavango in Botswana, nests in, and living of Palmnut Close-up: A scarce Vulture species only found in Zululand, Southern African and parts of the Okavango in Botswana, nests in, and living of "nuts" from Palm Trees. 300px // 600px // 100px