breeze blocks

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breeze blocks: breeze block wall with child hand prints in yellow paint
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breeze block wall with child hand prints in yellow paint
breeze blocks: breeze block wall with child hand prints in yellow paint
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mhirschfeld profile gallery
Image properties
Dimensions: 4608px * 3456px
Published: June - 27 - 2015
Camera: Panasonic
Date: 2015:06:20 19:39:59
Exposure: 1/60s
Focal length: 4.5mm
ISO: 200
Permalink pgNwDpwx
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breeze blocks: breeze block wall with child hand prints in yellow paint breeze blocks: breeze block wall with child hand prints in yellow paint breeze blocks: breeze block wall with child hand prints in yellow paint breeze blocks: breeze block wall with child hand prints in yellow paint 300px // 600px // 100px