Birch Forest

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Birch Forest: A dark and mysterious birch forest in summer.
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A dark and mysterious birch forest in summer.
Birch Forest: A dark and mysterious birch forest in summer.

July 17, 2015 xymonau

I've decided that birch forests are among the most beautiful, summer, or stark against the winter snow.

weirdvis profile gallery
Image properties
Dimensions: 2754px * 3672px
Published: July - 16 - 2015
Camera: Sony
Date: 2015:01:17 02:49:30
Exposure: 1/250s
Focal length: 4.45mm
ISO: 100
Permalink piDCO9Wx
trees_and_bushes peace summer license
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Birch Forest: A dark and mysterious birch forest in summer. Birch Forest: A dark and mysterious birch forest in summer. Birch Forest: A dark and mysterious birch forest in summer. Birch Forest: A dark and mysterious birch forest in summer. 300px // 600px // 100px
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