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Immoderation: First time I tried this shot, I couldn't figure out why the lens wouldn't fit on the camera. Then I realised the lens was on the kitchen worktop and the bottle was in my hand.
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First time I tried this shot, I couldn't figure out why the lens wouldn't fit on the camera. Then I realised the lens was on the kitchen worktop and the bottle was in my hand.
Immoderation: First time I tried this shot, I couldn't figure out why the lens wouldn't fit on the camera. Then I realised the lens was on the kitchen worktop and the bottle was in my hand.

November 21, 2016 xymonau

Loved your little story! Great photo.

SteveCorvus profile gallery
Image properties
Dimensions: 4928px * 3264px
Published: November - 21 - 2016
Camera: Pentax K-5 II
Date: 2016:11:20 23:21:51
Exposure: 1/8s
Focal length: 70mm
ISO: 80
Permalink q38OOTGx
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Immoderation: First time I tried this shot, I couldn't figure out why the lens wouldn't fit on the camera. Then I realised the lens was on the kitchen worktop and the bottle was in my hand. Immoderation: First time I tried this shot, I couldn't figure out why the lens wouldn't fit on the camera. Then I realised the lens was on the kitchen worktop and the bottle was in my hand. Immoderation: First time I tried this shot, I couldn't figure out why the lens wouldn't fit on the camera. Then I realised the lens was on the kitchen worktop and the bottle was in my hand. Immoderation: First time I tried this shot, I couldn't figure out why the lens wouldn't fit on the camera. Then I realised the lens was on the kitchen worktop and the bottle was in my hand. 300px // 600px // 100px