Sunken ship in the wreckage

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Sunken ship in the wreckage: Sunken old ship washed out on the shore bu the sea waves. Old ship wreck is now on the coast line ashore and all rusted metals and wrecked ship parts are there for everyone to see and photograph.
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Sunken old ship washed out on the shore bu the sea waves. Old ship wreck is now on the coast line ashore and all rusted metals and wrecked ship parts are there for everyone to see and photograph.
Sunken ship in the wreckage: Sunken old ship washed out on the shore bu the sea waves. Old ship wreck is now on the coast line ashore and all rusted metals and wrecked ship parts are there for everyone to see and photograph.
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Image properties
Dimensions: 5568px * 3712px
Published: February - 18 - 2018
Date: --
Exposure: 1/1.34953912699E-8s
Focal length: 74099370.6667mm
ISO: --
Permalink qJZ3Maex
coastlines wood ships_and_boats license
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Sunken ship in the wreckage: Sunken old ship washed out on the shore bu the sea waves. Old ship wreck is now on the coast line ashore and all rusted metals and wrecked ship parts are there for everyone to see and photograph. Sunken ship in the wreckage: Sunken old ship washed out on the shore bu the sea waves. Old ship wreck is now on the coast line ashore and all rusted metals and wrecked ship parts are there for everyone to see and photograph. Sunken ship in the wreckage: Sunken old ship washed out on the shore bu the sea waves. Old ship wreck is now on the coast line ashore and all rusted metals and wrecked ship parts are there for everyone to see and photograph. Sunken ship in the wreckage: Sunken old ship washed out on the shore bu the sea waves. Old ship wreck is now on the coast line ashore and all rusted metals and wrecked ship parts are there for everyone to see and photograph. 300px // 600px // 100px