Funghi on a stub

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Funghi on a stub: A friend took the shot. The stub cannot longer be seen, but we can see the funghi growing on it and the moss around it. Photo rendered through
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A friend took the shot. The stub cannot longer be seen, but we can see the funghi growing on it and the moss around it. Photo rendered through "deepdreamgenerator".
Funghi on a stub: A friend took the shot. The stub cannot longer be seen, but we can see the funghi growing on it and the moss around it. Photo rendered through
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Dimensions: 2160px * 2880px
Published: June - 08 - 2018
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Permalink qUng2GKx
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Funghi on a stub: A friend took the shot. The stub cannot longer be seen, but we can see the funghi growing on it and the moss around it. Photo rendered through Funghi on a stub: A friend took the shot. The stub cannot longer be seen, but we can see the funghi growing on it and the moss around it. Photo rendered through Funghi on a stub: A friend took the shot. The stub cannot longer be seen, but we can see the funghi growing on it and the moss around it. Photo rendered through Funghi on a stub: A friend took the shot. The stub cannot longer be seen, but we can see the funghi growing on it and the moss around it. Photo rendered through "deepdreamgenerator". 300px // 600px // 100px