Ruby and Harry

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Ruby and Harry: Ruby and new friend Harry waiting expectantly and posing like mad.
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Ruby and new friend Harry waiting expectantly and posing like mad.
Ruby and Harry: Ruby and new friend Harry waiting expectantly and posing like mad.

April 3, 2017 jazza

What a lovely dogs!

April 3, 2017 Zela

Hanging out and shaking it off. They sure seem to have fun. Great series.

weirdvis profile gallery
Image properties
Dimensions: 2308px * 2032px
Published: April - 02 - 2017
Camera: Canon EOS 50D
Date: 2017:04:02 15:21:01
Exposure: 1/640s
Focal length: 60mm
ISO: 200
Permalink qfFg8wAx
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Ruby and Harry: Ruby and new friend Harry waiting expectantly and posing like mad. Ruby and Harry: Ruby and new friend Harry waiting expectantly and posing like mad. Ruby and Harry: Ruby and new friend Harry waiting expectantly and posing like mad. Ruby and Harry: Ruby and new friend Harry waiting expectantly and posing like mad. 300px // 600px // 100px