South from Alice springs

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South from Alice springs: Rail line leaving Alice Springs Station, Central Australia, heading South toward Heavitree Gap and on toward Adelaide, South Australia.
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Rail line leaving Alice Springs Station, Central Australia, heading South toward Heavitree Gap and on toward Adelaide, South Australia.
South from Alice springs: Rail line leaving Alice Springs Station, Central Australia, heading South toward Heavitree Gap and on toward Adelaide, South Australia.
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AusSkyRider profile gallery
Image properties
Dimensions: 1600px * 990px
Published: September - 24 - 2017
Camera: Canon PowerShot A470
Date: 2011:07:31 14:28:23
Exposure: 1/400s
Focal length: 6.3mm
ISO: 125
Permalink qw6n6UUx
trains railways license
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South from Alice springs: Rail line leaving Alice Springs Station, Central Australia, heading South toward Heavitree Gap and on toward Adelaide, South Australia. South from Alice springs: Rail line leaving Alice Springs Station, Central Australia, heading South toward Heavitree Gap and on toward Adelaide, South Australia. South from Alice springs: Rail line leaving Alice Springs Station, Central Australia, heading South toward Heavitree Gap and on toward Adelaide, South Australia. South from Alice springs: Rail line leaving Alice Springs Station, Central Australia, heading South toward Heavitree Gap and on toward Adelaide, South Australia. 300px // 600px // 100px