Pillar capitals

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Pillar capitals: Pillar capitals in classical Corinthian style on the Old Royal Naval College at Greenwich, London, UK. Photography in this area was freely permitted.
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Pillar capitals in classical Corinthian style on the Old Royal Naval College at Greenwich, London, UK. Photography in this area was freely permitted.
Pillar capitals: Pillar capitals in classical Corinthian style on the Old Royal Naval College at Greenwich, London, UK. Photography in this area was freely permitted.
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Dimensions: 4000px * 2355px
Published: October - 03 - 2017
Camera: Canon EOS 70D
Date: 2017:09:27 11:21:43.
Exposure: 1/200s
Focal length: 89mm
ISO: 100
Permalink qwY26Gsx
elements classic decoration
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Pillar capitals: Pillar capitals in classical Corinthian style on the Old Royal Naval College at Greenwich, London, UK. Photography in this area was freely permitted. Pillar capitals: Pillar capitals in classical Corinthian style on the Old Royal Naval College at Greenwich, London, UK. Photography in this area was freely permitted. Pillar capitals: Pillar capitals in classical Corinthian style on the Old Royal Naval College at Greenwich, London, UK. Photography in this area was freely permitted. Pillar capitals: Pillar capitals in classical Corinthian style on the Old Royal Naval College at Greenwich, London, UK. Photography in this area was freely permitted. 300px //b.rgbimg.com/users/m/mi/micromoth/600/qwY26Gs.jpg 600px //b.rgbimg.com/users/m/mi/micromoth/600/qwY26Gs.jpg 100px