flamingo in the zoo

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flamingo in the zoo: flamingo in water, very beautiful flamingo birds are found in zoo mostly and in water, birding and bird photography is possible with these birds
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flamingo in water, very beautiful flamingo birds are found in zoo mostly and in water, birding and bird photography is possible with these birds
flamingo in the zoo: flamingo in water, very beautiful flamingo birds are found in zoo mostly and in water, birding and bird photography is possible with these birds
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Image properties
Dimensions: 5566px * 4252px
Published: August - 17 - 2018
Camera: Nikon D500
Date: 2018:08:17 17:24:09
Exposure: 1/1000s
Focal length: 300mm
ISO: 720
Permalink r10oIf2x
birds parks middle_east
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flamingo in the zoo: flamingo in water, very beautiful flamingo birds are found in zoo mostly and in water, birding and bird photography is possible with these birds flamingo in the zoo: flamingo in water, very beautiful flamingo birds are found in zoo mostly and in water, birding and bird photography is possible with these birds flamingo in the zoo: flamingo in water, very beautiful flamingo birds are found in zoo mostly and in water, birding and bird photography is possible with these birds flamingo in the zoo: flamingo in water, very beautiful flamingo birds are found in zoo mostly and in water, birding and bird photography is possible with these birds 300px //b.rgbimg.com/users/s/sa/savvas511/600/r10oIf2.jpg 600px //b.rgbimg.com/users/s/sa/savvas511/600/r10oIf2.jpg 100px