historic lime kiln remains13

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Dimensions: 1981px * 1486px
Published: September - 21 - 2019
Camera: Fuji
Date: 2019:09:13 12:50:24
Exposure: 1/150s
Focal length: 5.7mm
ISO: 100
Permalink rCHaA8Cx
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historic lime kiln remains13: remaining ruins of historic lime kilns now in secluded park historic lime kiln remains13: remaining ruins of historic lime kilns now in secluded park historic lime kiln remains13: remaining ruins of historic lime kilns now in secluded park historic lime kiln remains13: remaining ruins of historic lime kilns now in secluded park 300px //b.rgbimg.com/users/t/ta/tacluda/600/rCHaA8C.jpg 600px //b.rgbimg.com/users/t/ta/tacluda/600/rCHaA8C.jpg 100px
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