Sandralise (Sandra Cunningham)

I'm a freelance photographer located in Quebec, Canada. I cover a wide range of subjects such as lifestyle, food and seasonal images with a fresh, clean look. I hope you find what you are looking for in my portfolio.

If you would like to see more of my work then just visit my website at

name: Sandra Cunningham
gender: female
city: Saint-Marthe-sur--le-lac
country: Canada
camera: Canon 50D
RGBstock since: September 2010
gallery go to the galleryrss feed
Photos on line: 57
Downloads: 1755

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Sandralise's most popular photos | show gallery | show most liked photos

Cool summer whites

Cool summer whites

2128px * 2832px


Old clock

Old clock

2272px * 1704px


Color design

Color design

2272px * 1704px


Ladybug climbing tulip leaf

Ladybug climbing tulip leaf

1500px * 1000px


Fall Splendor 2

Fall Splendor 2

800px * 601px


Warm Glow

Warm Glow

2400px * 1913px


Home repair

Home repair

2272px * 1704px



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