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Site Progress Report

1. crisderaud5 February 2010, 0:20 GMT +01:00

Up to date news on what our developers are working on and where they are at.

26. fishmonk19 February 2010, 2:24 GMT +01:00

Yes - that works great... I've now got a target. Takes me back a couple of years.


27. crisderaud19 February 2010, 14:29 GMT +01:00

Today our traffic rank for this site moved into the top one million on the internet.

We are at 993,739. We passed well over 5 million sites in the last 6 weeks to get into the top million. That's excellent work folks. Sites don't progress that quickly unless they have something really special going on.

28. jevvv22 February 2010, 0:54 GMT +01:00


Is there any way to pin or sticky this thread to the top of the section? .... since there are a lot of updates you're giving us Cris

29. crisderaud22 February 2010, 4:42 GMT +01:00

Good to see you here Jenny!

I bump it enough to float it back to the top. Not sure if pinning has been written in yet.

There is so much happening here it is easy to keep this thread afloat. :-)

30. fishmonk22 February 2010, 13:46 GMT +01:00

It's really useful having this topic near the top, Cris. Thanks for the regular updates. It's important for those who are new (or not as convinced as many of us are) to see that
1) amazing things are happening at an incredible rate here.
2) users are having their say... & 'management' is listening.

There is a lot of respect and harmony here. I feel we are well informed & involved in this community.

31. mzacha25 February 2010, 21:38 GMT +01:00

I think the Photo Management area changed. I can't see there the number of pictures downloaded (!) and I see doubled information about published pictures and those pending. I think they are sorted now.

32. Abyla25 February 2010, 21:55 GMT +01:00

Yes you are right, Michal. I 'd prefer to see there the number of comments received instead.

33. crisderaud26 February 2010, 0:24 GMT +01:00

The changes to the photo management area are changes you can see that are part of a greater plan.

Changes to the photo management area are part of the restructuring of the low level code to prepare the site for an improved search function.

What you see now may not be permanent or the primary purpose for the changes.

We should wait for the finished product for this site update before we decide if we like it. The download numbers are important and that fact is not being overlooked.

34. Abyla26 February 2010, 10:36 GMT +01:00

My comment was not a critique and sure we should wait for your site progress report before to comment any change we see. I only try to help as I feel myself involved in this community, Cris.

35. crisderaud26 February 2010, 13:25 GMT +01:00

You are helping Javier and I do appreciate your comments. The changes yesterday caught me by surprise too. They have to shut off some things while they work on another.

We will be seeing this kind of temporary change happen again in the near future as they continue to work on the site. They have a plan on improving the site search and that will affect a lot of functions while they install it. They are not sure when it will be ready to install.

36. Abyla26 February 2010, 13:47 GMT +01:00

You are doing a wonderful job, the evolution of the site is stunning.

37. lennie26 February 2010, 21:08 GMT +01:00

Hi folks.

Just wanted to let you know the download-numbers have been re-added.

38. mzacha27 February 2010, 12:01 GMT +01:00

Thanks, Lennie.

It would also be nice to see the number of comments given/received. of course, in the future, because now you have some more important things to do ;P

39. crisderaud8 March 2010, 15:55 GMT +01:00

We are continuing to work our way to through the top one million sites toward the elite top 100,000 on the internet. Progress has been good.

Our Alexa number ranking for today is 681,619. That's pretty close to one third the way through the top million.

The Alexa site is open to the public to track any site that you like. Our site can be found at this link to Alexa:

I check the numbers every day. It's fascinating to watch like tracking your stocks on the stock market.

40. krayker8 March 2010, 16:09 GMT +01:00

that's good news for generating ad revenue :)

41. saavem9 March 2010, 19:47 GMT +01:00

Really nice news Cris!

42. crisderaud13 March 2010, 10:49 GMT +01:00

Yesterday was our busiest day ever!

Someone from India gave us a 5 star review on Alexa.

Our Alexa ranking is about 618,000 . We could possibly break into the top half million by the end of the weekend.

43. fishmonk13 March 2010, 13:22 GMT +01:00

404k now, or am I reading it incorrectly...

44. lennie13 March 2010, 13:35 GMT +01:00

Well, the 404k is changing every few hours/days, it changes wildly. The 618k changes, ones a week or month. As rgbstock is a bit like sxc, because of similair use/visitors, in the weekends it's a lot more quiet so 618k is probably a better indicator.

45. crisderaud18 March 2010, 10:05 GMT +01:00

Second busiest day yesterday and our Alexa rank has dropped to 585,169!

The three month indicator is the official figure Dan. Like Lennie says, the real time indicator changes wildly but the three month indicator smooths out the statistical fluctuations and is what is used by Alexa as the official figure.

We are getting closer to the half million mark. The competition is getting tighter now so if we lose some traffic our number can increase and we lose some rank.

46. mzacha18 March 2010, 10:14 GMT +01:00

I hope the number of users from Poland will rise... ;). I made here some promo, but the effect may be stretched in time.

47. krayker18 March 2010, 12:13 GMT +01:00

i think we are destined towards more traffic, but the organic growth will be slow, and its better that we have a slow curve than have a steep rise and then fall. we need to grow constantly. we had our blast of 30k which was good - since we needed a good body of images to start with.

I am promoting RGB to anyone who's written for permission asking me for images from sxc/ flickr. i have images under CC at flickr, just suppose its difficult for people to accept the CC license then they could head over here. I have a lot of exclusive images that are offered only at RGB - like the young dog shark images - when they are young they are striped and have a striking appearance. there aren't many paid stock images that have those!

48. crisderaud25 March 2010, 9:15 GMT +01:00

We are in the top half million on the World-wide Alexa ranking at 477,034!

That is a gain of 108,000 positions since the last post one week ago.

You guys are awesome!!

49. lusi25 March 2010, 16:39 GMT +01:00

Congratulations to all of us! It is amazing! I am now checking Alexa ranking regulary because of RGB...
And one little question: when will the two words search be working? I know that easy and exact search is the most important thing to make people come to the site and stay. I noticed that, if I put into keywords two words together, and then comma, the search is OK (for example: spring, flower, spring flower,... - the search engine takes you to spring flower images). As most people search for images with two words (white flower, girl crying, etc), should we, until the search function develops, add the most obvious double keywords to images that rearly are searched for with only one word?

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