I have encountered strange behavior regarding lightboxes.
I am using Firefox 47.0.2. on win 8.1.
- I had 3 lightboxes, and i noticed that one of them was always "active" - every time I clicked "add image to lightbox" button, it was added to that "active" lightbox".
- i added 4th lightbox, but i could not put image in the newest one - picture always went to "active" one.
- i tried to delete the newest lightbox, clicked on the delete button for the newest lightbox, but it deleted "active" lightbox instead.
- now, when i click "add image to lihgtobox" button, i get message "set does not exists", and as far as i can see, image is not added to any of my existing lightboxeses.
I hope I have clearly described problem :)
So when time allows can you look at it please.
After a while, and after little playing, the message in my last remark has disappeared. clicking on " add image to lihgtobox" button, adds image to the first lightbox on my list.
The rest, however, seems to persist...
I'll let Jay know. Hopefully it can be sorted out.
Thank you for this error report. We will look into it soon
Any progress on this? I've noticed it as well. I can't select what lightbox I'm adding a photo to, it always goes to the first one on the list.
Also, I can only add to a lightbox from the search page. Clicking the "L" on the actual photo's page does nothing. (using Chrome, Win10)
I'll get someone to get back to you, Lethann.
For quite some time now I can't add anything to a lightbox. Clicking the "L" on an image does nothing now.
I'll make sure Jay sees this.