Well, it had to be done, didn't it? And since this is both the first and last post, I have won. Thank you all.
That wasn't my doctor - it was the shape shifter. No doubt he also told you that you were winning. Ah well, truth can be sad.
But only for losers. That's you. For winners like me, the truth is beeyootiful.
I don't think so.... I'm still here, still fighting fit - and still winning!
The prize likes real Mexican tacos with lots of that Italian parsley for lunch.
No it doesn't. It whispered to me that it hates spicy food. Except for the things its mumsy makes.
Oh, excuse me. That's not Italian parsley. It looks more like cilantro?
You are trying to make me ill. It is not working. I still win. If you want to eat something that tastes like dog vomit and soap, feel free.
And that's why the prize has come home to his mumsy. He can't abide bad taste.
but Prize hates the rain
so it has come to sunny Groningen
Even better in sunny Sussex - only April but like real summer already today!
Hi prizey, nice to see you making yourself at home again!
No, no, no! Mais non! Sibilant Sussex? I laugh! Little prizey has a lisp, and must live where he is not placed under such verbal stress.
Aha! but Sydney is a long way from here. Not a hissing sound anywhere. Well, except for the taipans...
I think that sound is a leak in your airbed. The Prize was getting bored...
I keep my vegetables in the fridge. What an odd little moth you are. The prize is on a whale watching trip in Hervey Bay. He is never bored with his mumsy.
Dear me, mumsy must be quite a size then! One would never have suspected it....