Well, it had to be done, didn't it? And since this is both the first and last post, I have won. Thank you all.
Thank you, Yes it was Saturday. Have you seen it a facebook or how do you know that?
Well, such a thing - in the column of celebraties I hope or in the category of horrifying events abroad?
Oh, in the glamour section, naturally. There was a huge coloured photo, too. That prize cup looked a bit silly, but what could they do? You wouldn't let go!
Oh, ok, just beside the newest scandals. And I told them not to take that one. But what did you say about good personnel staff? Always the same thing...
Well, it's all well and good that you are now famous. But some of us who have worked long and hard to fight their way to the top are unknown. And I'm so photogenic, too.
Oohhh my beauty, I know you are the loveliest girl in the world. But I made it on top page (in australia).
And I'm also not THE champ in cooking, but may I serve some pumpkin soup(my favorite with chillies and coconut milk)?
I think I must start a recipe thread.........
.....called international cooking...... may be I'll do it...
Yes, start it. There are a lot of people who like cooking, and it's always nice to try something new. I've never tried pumpkin soup with coconut milk, but I have had it with chillies, and it was delicious. And that's something I could eat. I'm very limited in my food choices these days - well, I can eat any fruit or veg or grain, so that's hardly a limit. But I have to avoid oils and sugar, and try to eat the food unprocessed. I enjoy it, but sometimes I would like something a bit different, but still healthy.
Sounds like something's been cooking while I've been away.... But fortunately I'm still winning!
I'm sorry. And who might you be?
Certainly not the winner.
Oh yes I am! Fresh back from Cyprus and zooming straight into the lead!
If you want to stop a bullet I can think of no braver way. Good man!
Now I remember you. You used to be Kevin. Oh, yes, the historical Kevin. Well, off you trot. I've won, and Gesine lost the plot.
Such a baloney. I sometimes have to work.
Kevin I thought you were making a long long journey. Don' thought you'll be back so quick. Have you had nice holidays?
So and now I have to dress up Pizey. We go to my mothers birthday.
Well, a four-hour jet flight was a long, long journey for me! Us moths appreciate letting other wings do the work. ;-)
Cyprus was great, thanks, with temperatures around 26C most days and lots of sunshine. I took 700 photos including some nice shots of the amazing ancient Greek ruins at Salamis - I had no idea the site was so huge until we started going round it.
Oh, and how nice to find Prizey coming back to me too! What's that? He ate too much birthday cake? For shame, Gesine! I turn my back for just ten days and things get quite out of hand...
700 Pictures... you where very busy.
And no, no birthday cake we had dinner in a fish restaurant down in the harbour. Very tasty.
You mean he didn't *tell* you about the whole birthday cake he ate?!? I think you had better not go back to that restaurant again - the chef there might be very unhappy!
Little nasty thing that. But I'm afraid you are right ... no breakfast this morning!
It must have been a wonderful trip, Kevin. And I believe Greece is a beautiful place. My sister went there in winter, though, and wasn't very impressed. I would love to see the ancient sites.
Now, about my prize - he doesn't eat cake and he's allergic to fish. And he's with me. I have no idea who you have been treating, but tell the freeloader to scram.
Thanks Dez. It was great fun except for getting bitten badly by mosquitoes on my last night.
The Prize doesn't like grease either, so he's having a nice lean spaghetti bolognese with me.
Oh, it's all spaghetti and friendly right now, isn't it? Then if he tries to get away, he'll see the Other Side of you, won't he?
I've asked my doppelganger about this and he says he doesn't know what you mean!
Well, he was never known for his intelligence, was he? So much like you, it's uncanny...
Oh, I bet your alter ego says that too. Both of you are wrong. ;-)
Oh, oh, and your visitors from outer space also told you that you got the prize. Right? You shouldn't believe them!
Doppelganger, alter ego, tzz, tz, tzzz....