Well, it had to be done, didn't it? And since this is both the first and last post, I have won. Thank you all.
Oh, goodness me, no! That's for lemonade... Lem - on - ade. Fizzy sweet stuff that gets up your nose. No, not sherbert dabs. Sheesh!
You flush your loos with LEMONADE??? Are your streets paved with gold an' all?
Well, you wouldn't really know it was sticky unless you touched it, would you?
Gee.... I'm not sure that's a question I want to ask!
My experience says: You haven't to touch everything, be careful!
Huh, it get grammatical. Let's see how far I can follow.
I was referring to a "sticky wicket", which you can look up on Google. The moff loves his word games. Well, as a loser, I guess he has to have some comfort.
Nice to see you're finally admitting to being a loser, even if you're still guessing. As the winner I take comfort in being the winner. Naturally. ;-)
Hmmm...where have you been? I know. Cuba. Did you take those floosies, or did you invest in a new set? Hand that prize back. He hates it when you take him to those dens of iniquity.
And can you please wash the moff? He has fleas.
@3663 And on Monday you go to the next travel? Saw your pictures - very nice ones.
And prizey has fleas too now? We have cat medicine for that.
Anyone else need some 'frontline' against fleas??
Just the moff. Make sure you bath him first. He won't like it, and will try to bite you, but moffs have no teeth.
I can still give a nasty suck.
And I don't have fleas. I do have the Prize, but fleas - no.
Well, I can't tell one vermin from another, so whatever it is that's hoppin' and bitin' you, I'd go with the Frontline. It's not lemonade, but it's also not sticky.
You have deeply hurt the feelings of the Prize by calling him vermin! He has declared that he's never going back to "that Oz lady" again. I have consoled him with glasses of lemonade. Poor Prizey, there, there!
That's not the prize. That's the biggest tick I've ever seen! For goodness' sake, man, put your glasses on! He won't stop at lemonade!
The Prize is utterly insulted! He is considering calling in his lawyers. They know all about parasites. Oops!
That fat tick just winked at me and gave a sly grin. Put your glasses on, man!
Gee.. I didn't know that ticks wore glasses. And how did you know that he was male? I hope you haven't made yourself vulnerable to a huge fee from this lawyer, er, I mean, tick. The Prize will not be persuaded to fund this!