Well, it had to be done, didn't it? And since this is both the first and last post, I have won. Thank you all.
...and anyway, I thought that in Australia, being upside down and on the other side of the world, they sang "al al al al al al al al al al"?
Di = two, paired
Puts = places, positions
Thus "diputs" means being able cleverly to associate two seemingly unrelated items. Clever people, these siezzO.
this is too much semantics. I just mean to win here, no more complications please.
Two place - i.e., second position = loser. We siezzOs, seize - oh and prod - oh with sharp sticks - oh. Uh-oh!
Kray, you are a simple man. Most losers are. I rest my case.
I wouldn't rest your case if I were you, someone might walk off with it - into the winning position!
nutcases do have to rest their cases every once in a while, I certainly dont mind you resting your case now :D .... that's one less competitor!
Competitor? COMPETITOR??? That implies others have a chance of winning. No, no, no, my little friend.
you were the first to admit it I supposed :P
when I said ... until the fat lady sings, I didnt want a confession or an admission :P
you fell into the trap :)
lols. well, it depends.... I left it open ended :)
anyways, leaner is better - its easier to carry on winning!
In Madagascar I would be deemed beautiful. Here, I am only deemed the winner. Unlike your good self. But the runner up is not a bad thing. Even though it's merely the first of the losers...
And leave paradise? And my winnings? I only look stupid.
N. B. diputs :)
I love Madagascar though, the movie.
The real place is amazing. They have fabulous and unique wildlife.
"No wonder Jimbo comes in rarely. " Not without careful preparation, he doesn't - it isn't safe
"They have fabulous and unique wildlife. " - have you seen this site recently?
@1367 Well, it's nice to see a sane soul here in this jungle - I feel like Stanley meeting Livingstone! Make sure you have your trusty Winchester and some spare ammunition at the ready though. Some of the wildlife can get restive, and I don't mean the animals!