You can only change ONE letter, AND/OR rearrange the letters currently available. The first word is:
Cris has had even higher temps to cope with and no air conditioner. I'm so glad it's winter here.
no aitcondinioner here either, outside it's 32 degrees and the coolest place in my houde is still 28 degrees
I just put a cold wet towl in my neck because I am slowly being cooked
LOL at 28 I begin to feel the heat, but that's tolerable. Once it gets to 30 I feel hot.
I can't stand these T°'. I'm melting away. And tomorrow I have a course of intruction in Judo, I must take part in. Because my licence to check our childreen for new hoigher judobelts must be renewed. We have new examination Regulations..
The heat has addled your brain, Gesine. You changed two letters. LOL Does your judo place have air conditioning?
No air conditioning, warm Judo clothes, but it was a good course and my brain is back on normal thinking level. Temperature has fallen to 24 degrees today. I don't like these temperarure jumps over about 10 degrees from one day to the other. The body has no chance to get used with it.
And usually my second name is typing error :D
Exercise does make us feel better. I agree re the temperature changes. We were having warm days - 25 or so, but the nights were dropping to 8 to 10. We would have to wrap up for the cold night, then nearly die in the morning, gasping from the heat.
Chrissy: I love the wind too. We get nervous when we have no wind :) Wind is normal for us. We get nervous when we have no wind.
Wind is good sometimes, but I get worn out if it is blowing constantly. Glad you're having a cooler break from the heat. We are having a few cold nights (for us - 7C).
Next week we are in for days with a top of 18 or so and I think winter may have finally arrived.