blossom butterfly Cabbage Butterfly Cabbage White close up closeup Large Cabbage White Large White lilac macro makro Pieris brassicaei White cabbage butterfly cabbage cook dietary eat fiber fibre food fresh green healthy kohlrabi leaf leaves nutrition raw roughage turnip turnip cabbage uncooked vegetable vegetables vegetarian vitamins white animal antenna beautiful beauty black brilliant bug close-up color colorful creatures delicate design eye feeding flight flora flower garden insect life meadow moth natural nature outdoors plant pretty resting small spot spring summer wild wildlife wing yellow abstract background botany bright brussel brussels environment floral foliage freshness growth harvest health ingredient isolated organic pattern purple season single sprout sprouts texture vein appearance appearances broccoli cauliflower colored colors colour coloured colourful colours cooked cooked-food cooked-meal cut Dinner eating edible flavored flavors flavoured flavours florets greens leeks mashed meal mixed mixture multicolored-meal multicoloured-meal orange pumpkin red-cabbage savory savoury taste tasty textures variations variety agroforestry bactris-gasipaes center-core centre-core cluster cultivated cylinders cylindrical delicacy dietary-fiber dietary-fibre exotic growing-buds heart-of-palm hollow inner-core labor-intensive-harvesting labour-intensive-harvesting long-lived-plant mineral-rich multiple-stems palm palm-cabbage palmetto palmito peach-palms perennial plate salad-vegetable self-suckering tropical tropics ubod vitamin-rich agriculture blue clouds copy space countryside crop drought dry equipment expansive farming field heat irrigation plants potato rural sky sprinklers trees water

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29 3 grade account_circle Butterfly
12 0 grade account_circle Kohlrabi
18 4 grade account_circle Cabbage white butterfly
8 0 grade account_circle Purple Brussels Sprouts Leaf
16 1 grade account_circle freshly cooked vegetables2
1 0 grade account_circle heart of palm1
31 0 grade account_circle Watering the cabbage patch
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