chalice communion bread cup eucharist. first holy communion hosts liturgy mass paten sacraments background beverage bread broken christ christian christianity church cloth Communion communion-bread covering drink drinking eat edible elements eucharist faith goblet god holy-communion jesus juice liquid loaf lord Lord's-supper meal observance ordinance red religion religious rite sacramental sacrifice spiritual spirituality supper symbolic symbols table wine worship biscuit cracker crisp cups flat glass glasses thin unleavened wafer clip art clipart graphic holy communion illustration grapes backlight catholic chapel confirmation cross Easter ensign first communion flag grace holy kirche Konfirmation love maria mercy mystic pentecost Pfingsten praise praise the lord pray resurection ritual saint santo spirit sun surreal Whitsun whitsunday alcohol Dinner Lord's supper activities believe building ceremony crowd girl Mexico people priest

search result for Communion (13)

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45 1 grade account_circle Chalice and communion bread
22 1 grade account_circle Chalice and communion bread
0 0 grade account_circle communion2
1 0 grade account_circle communion5
4 1 grade account_circle Holy Communion
5 1 grade account_circle Holy Communion
5 0 grade account_circle Holy Communion
28 1 grade account_circle Holy Cross
61 2 grade account_circle bread and wine
15 0 grade account_circle Church scenes 4
25 0 grade account_circle Church scenes 1
46 3 grade account_circle Sacraments
0 0 grade account_circle historic stone church2
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