animal bird crane Crowned Crane Hellabrunn munich portrait zoo Africa crowned african balearica-regulorum colorful coloring colors colourful colouring colours crown endangered feathers feathery-crown gold-crown gray grey grey-crowned-crane long-legged majestic omnivore omnivorous plumage Ugandan-national-symbol vulnerable animals birds feather wild Marieke Kuijpers nature Ouwehands Dierenpark wildlife close-up balearica-pavonina banded beak black black-crested-crane black-crowned-crane black-head-patch captive crest display displayed displaying distinctive forager golden-head-feathers gruidae gruiformes large long-necked spreading Sub-Saharan toes trained trees-roosting Ugandan-national-bird vertebrate white wings wingspan avian balearica beautiful beauty blue conservation crested eye face fauna gold grass green head looking national natural neck ornithology park red regulorum safari savanna wattle wing

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13 1 grade account_circle Crowned Crane
13 0 grade account_circle Crowned Crane
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39 0 grade account_circle Grey Crowned Crane
10 0 grade account_circle Grey Crowned Crane
4 0 grade account_circle Crowned Crane
5 0 grade account_circle Crowned Crane
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